Layout of headquarters and branches in Ile-de-France and around the country

Icade commits every day to improving workplace quality of life through the Open ID initiative. The real estate dimension takes shape into the new Issy-les-Moulineaux Open headquarters, which offer a 100% flex office environment with spaces for collaboration and focus. Workers can all switch spaces depending on their needs. They can choose from a wide variety of work stations such as the sitting-standing station (which reduces the effects of sedentary work), or the lounge station.

Open offers employees and visitors brainstorming rooms, a library, a Zen Space. A gardening workshop located in a patio is also available; a trainer comes every Tuesday to lead workouts for anyone who wants to participate...for an even friendlier atmosphere. This kind of layout is now in place in the Ile-de-France branches and some initial branches elsewhere around the country.

Moreover, Icade has gone decidedly digital. For example, meeting rooms are outfitted with the Cisco Webex Meetings technology, which facilitates collaborative and remote work.

 The furniture chosen keeps exchange fluid and encourages the kind of cross-cutting work that fosters performance and well-being.

Cisco Webex Meetings screen in Icade's headquarters

The company plan was rolled out in 2019 at the first sites outside of Ile-de-France, taking advantage of feedback from Ile-de-France. 

Cross-cutting work among teams is encouraged: initiatives like job communities and themed innovation workshops promote sharing of best practices and the creation of new ones.

  • Care to join us ?

    Icade promotes a dynamic and collaborative work environment.

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Wittyfit: a digital tool to measure quality of life

Icade has signed a partnership with Wittyfit, which worked with CHU Clermont-Ferrand to co-develop a workplace quality of life measurement tool, which makes it possible to perform fine analysis of two main topics: satisfaction at work and stress. Two initial campaigns in Ile-de-France have been conducted in tandem with the move of our headquarters. An initial campaign outside Ile-de-France was also led ahead of the roll-out launch. The first national campaign will soon be launched.

The Wittyfit campaign conducted in 2018, for which the participation rate increased to 49%, revealed that satisfaction at work is increasing significantly.

Management practices revisited

Icade managers are encouraged to think about their management practices. A special tool helps them drive change: MEPOS (positive energy manager). It is the result of in-house innovation and illustrates a new management philosophy based on knowledge of self and one's teams for more collaborative, motivating work. 

Our objective is to train managers to become Positive Energy Managers (MEPOS) by 2020


Productive dialogue with workers

Various agreements have been signed in recent years to promote workplace quality of life and diversity: an agreement to foster employment of people with disabilities was renewed, agreements on remote work and gender and age equality were signed in 2017, and a “right to disconnect” charter was signed in 2018. 

Remote work is now offered to all employees: 27% were already taking advantage in 2018. They can also use one of the four SmartDesks or an Icade co-working space located in Paris or the surrounding area.

Support for intrapreneurship

The Icade innovation team fosters intrapreneurship using various support tools for leaders of in-house projects: startup sourcing, in-house funding for projects, and the first cohort of the Innovation Graduate Program (young graduates are brought on to work on innovation projects like Urban Odyssey, for example).

Giving-minded employees

Icade promotes solidarity and engages all its employees in various social responsibility initiatives.

  • Meet'Icade

    This initiative set up by young employees aims to help employees bond through cultural, sport, or socially responsible activities at or nearby the workplace.

  • Socially responsible days

    This is granted to employees who want to carry out a project lasting between one day and six months at a non-profit in France or abroad. They are still paid at 75% and can get a replacement for the entire period of leave. In 2018, an employee took an initial six months of socially responsible leave with L’Étoile de Martin, a non-profit that supports paediatric cancer research. Another employee similarly took action in Mexico and Peru to raise awareness among young people about environmental issues.

  • Day donation

     Employees with a child, partner, or parent who has been affected by an illness, disability, or serious accident can receive donations of days from their colleagues.  All employees can donate days off to a colleague who has a loved one affected by an accident, illness, or disability.

  • Skills sponsorship

    This commitment was the object of an initial agreement with the Paris SAMU social to renovate a shelter and care centre at the Charles-Foix d’Ivry-sur-Seine hospital. The employees of the Icade Healthcare Promotion division are providing contracting authority assistance on all technical, legal, and financial aspects of the project.

  • Giving Days

    In 2018, four giving days were held in Paris and around the country, and attracted about 50 employees. Efforts included: hosting a creative workshop and visiting a museum with children of families staying at the Paris SAMU social, and sorting eight metric tonnes of food collected by the Toulouse food bank.

  • Partnership with the young talent club of Plaine Commune

    Created in 2010 by Icade and Klépierre in collaboration with the Plaine Commune employment centre, this club organises support systems for young people from Seine-Saint-Denis as they seek training or employment. Since 2010, 249 young people have benefited from this programme that is based on coaching and meetings with representatives of partner companies. Of those, 83% have found a permanent contract job, a fixed-term job, or have received qualifying training.


  • Partnership with the Nos Quartiers Ont des Talents organisation

     (which supports employment of young graduates from low-income background or priority neighbourhoods): Eighteen Icade employees have participated as sponsors, and, since 2016, 64 young graduates have benefited from their mentoring.

Innovative tools to manage workplace quality of life

Icade measures well-being at work using the Wittyfit platform, which was designed by a startup. The campaign conducted in 2018 revealed a higher level of satisfaction at work than in 2017. Work-life balance, friendly atmosphere, flexibility in working time, and autonomy were some of the strong points. 

Open, the Icade headquarters, received the OsmoZ label in 2018, a first in France. Developed by the Certivéa organisation, OsmoZ is a comprehensive tool to assess workplace quality of life and HR.